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How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing With People

By Les Giblin

How to Win Friends and Influence People

By Dale Carnegie

Relationships may be the single most important aspect of human life.  As it goes for life, so does it go for business.  They say that, "People do business with people they know, like and trust."  This starts by building a relationship.  As soon as you see a prospect as nothing more than a number, you're done.  Get the relationship to get the sale.  These books will teach you just how to do that!

Welcome to the Relationship Bookshelf

I'm not going to lie...this is a tough read.  I think I started it about 10 times before I finally powered through it, but that being said; it is arguably the leading book on the subject of relationships and a must read for aspiring leaders.

I love this book as Les gives you a lot of applicable knowledge in the art of "dealing with people".

We work better when we work together.  In this book John gives us practical laws that govern successful teamwork.


If you're like me you only have so many relatives and friends you can sell your products or services to.  That means we need to meet new people and this is my favorite field guide for doing just that.

The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork

By John C. Maxwell

How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends

By Don Gabor

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