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4 Things to Avoid When Selecting a Direct Selling Company

I've already discussed "How to find the right company" by sharing what I believe everyone should look for, but I also think it's important to look at things to avoid.  Here is my list of things to avoid when selecting a company to go to work with in no particular order.

1.  Avoid any company that pays you a comission on a new rep's "Sign Up Fee".  You should never earn money on anything but the sale of a product or service.  Otherwise you are probably joining a pyramid or ponzi scheme which are illegal.

2.  Avoid companies selling a product or service you can readily get for free or for very inexpensive.  Your customer is sure to compare you to the competition and if they can get the same product a lot cheaper or even free (more common in internet technologies), then 9 times out of 10 they are going to get the free version.​

3.  Avoid companies that sell their compensation plan before their product.  People look for and buy products.  They could have a great compensation plan, but as I've always said...​

"You won't find success where you have to sell the opportunity in order to sell the product."

To be more specific...if the only reason a person will buy a product at a certain price is because of the compensation plan and not on the merit and price of the product alone...then it's not a real opportunity.  Always take the "product test" by asking this question, "If I never made a penny off the sale of this product, is it something I would buy for me and/or my family?"  If the answer is no, then move on.



4.  Avoid companies offering any kind of "Get Rich Quick" marketing.

I'm not so naive as to think that success can never happen quickly in our industry.  A lot of people do "Get Rich Quickly", at least compared to the traditional path, but very few actually get rich quick.  This industry is based on relationships and relationships take time.  The better a company and opportunity fit my formula, the faster you can get there, but any company that promises to get rich quickly, or the next app to go viral and make you millions overnight is most likely going to be gone within a year.  "Nothing worth while is ever easy."  It may be simple, but like I said...this industry, when done right, is based on relationships and relationships are work.   

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