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The Work @ Home Library

This is a compilation of books that I believe are "must reads" for anyone looking to Work @ Home.  Every book on these shelves comes directly from my own personal library and I've read each one, some multiple times.  There are many other great books out there, but I would never recommend a book I haven't read myself.  If you know of other great books, please feel free to contact me and recommend them.

"Leaders are readers" and I believe this to my core.  Most work at home opportunities require a new set of skills that some people are born with and some of us can and must develop.  We are trained most of our lives how to manage.  Manage our employees, manage our families and manage our lives.  This selection of books will teach you how to LEAD these elements of your life and not just manage them.  The world needs more leaders...not managers.  Will you step up to the plate and begin today to develop the leader in you?

Business Bookshelf


This collection of books will serve to teach you the important business world of The Work @ Home Dad.

Guide to financial freedom!
Getting out of the box

Leadership Bookshelf

This collection will help you develop the leader you'll need to become in order to be a truly successful Work @ Home Dad.

The best book about relationships

Relationship Bookshelf


This collection is geared to help you understand relationships.  This is arguably the most important subject to our success not just in business, but in life.  Spend time on these books and really implement what you learn here.

Fix your life by fixing your thinking

Success Bookshelf

These books are focused on the general concept of success that will help you be successful in all areas of life.

Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership

Spirituality Bookshelf

These books are to help you work towards being a better Christian husband, father, business man and friend.

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