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Why Work at Home?

Take a look around you.  Divorce rates are sky high.  Children have zero respect for authority or their peers and worse...their parents!  There is a generation coming up that doesn't know the meaning of "hard work".  They don't know the meaning of "Commitment".  They are lazy.  They don't care about their future.  They live for the now and typically the "now" is mom and dad's basement playing video games morning and night.

The question is, "Why is this happening?"  What happened to the previous generation of individuals who understood authority and duty and fought for our country.  What about the entrepreneurs that launched our technological boom?  What about the generation that stayed married until death.  What happened to America?

I have a few thoughts and you may or may not agree.  I believe that things started going downhill after the industrial revolution. 

Prior to the industrial revolution clear back to the dawn of time, families worked together from home; typically in some kind of trade such as shoe making, blacksmithing, baking, farming, etc.  From an early age kids would start working alongside their parents learning the trade because someday that would be THEIR business.  The dad ran the profession and mom worked at the house, both teaching their kids real life, real world skills such as work ethic, respect, cleanliness, responsibility.  There were no video games and there were no cell was just the family.  Hard working, dedicated, respectful, loyal families.

Fast forward to the industrial revolution.  Regular paychecks, less responsibility than owning your own business and Dad's now leave the house from 9-5 to work in the big factories and plants.  Now dad is giving the best part of himself to his job and gets home tired in the evening to give his family the leftovers.  Which in and of itself isn't the main problem.  We have to look at what else changed.

  • No longer do the children grow up seeing their father's hard work.  The example that he sets on a daily basis is now out of view of his children.
  • No longer is he there to be the heavy hand of discipline teaching his kids respect.
  • Now when children see dad, it's when he's plopping himself in front of the tv after a long shift at work.  


  • Lazy
  • Disrespectful
  • Playing video games 24/7

WHY?  Because their example has "LEFT THE BUILDING".  But let's take it up a notch and fast forward again...women's rights movement.

Mom is now going to work at the factories and plants and offices.  WHO'S LEFT RAISING THE KIDS?

Hopefully you see where I'm going with this.  For the last umpteen years...daycares, schools and our children's friends have been raising our kids.  Husbands and wives typically spend the best part of their days with other men and women.  The family has been scattered and thus devastated. 

This is why my mission in life is to work at home and to help anyone I can to do the same.  To re-unite the family back into the home.  Where parents can raise their kids.  Where husbands and wives give the best of themselves to each other and not other people.

This is the foundation that made America great and that foundation is gone!  My goal here at Work at Home Dad is to rebuild the foundation one family at a time any way I can.

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