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Think & Grow Rich

By Napoleon Hill

See You at the Top

By Zig Ziglar

This book shelf is full of great resources to help you along in your pursuit of success.  Application of the teachings in these books are sure to make an amazing impact on your business, on your relationships and your life.  These are all timeless books that everyone should read.

Welcome to the Success Bookshelf

The first step to success is to change the way you think.  This classic book by one of the great authors on the topic is sure to help you adjust your thinking to be success focused.

This is another classic title that any successful reader has read and would recommend on the top of their book list.  Change your thinking, Change your life.

Attitude is a choice.  By choosing the right attitude you choose your future.  You may think that controlling your attitude is easy, but it's not and this book gives you great insight into how to better control your attitude.


This book shows you how success has a tipping point.  A point at which all the little important things you do daily as you climb towards success pay off when the pendulum swings and you hit the tipping point. 

Attitude is Everything

By Jeff Keller

The Tipping Point

By Malcolm Gladwell

The Strangest Secret

By Earl Nightingale

Your Road Map for Success

By John C. Maxwell

A great classic on success.  This book shows  you not tips and tricks, but a way to live that will create the success in your life that you desire.

John gives you exactly what he chose for the title of the book.  He gives you a road map for success.  Full of great advice, tips and applicable ideas this book will help you map out your route to success.

Read & Grow Rich

By Burke Hedges


By TJ Hoisington

Readers are leaders.  When you read the right books, you get the right advice you approach business the right way.  This book shows you why reading is so important.

Another book on the power of thought in success, this book gives you thirteen laws that govern the performance of high achievers.  A great quick read.

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